-1"; //$flashandcheck=''; $flashandcheck=" and (flashcheckresult > -1 OR localswf IS NOT NULL)"; // $flashandcheck=''; $gamedup=" and dup = '0' "; //$fbgurl=str_ireplace("//games.kidzsearch.com","//www.kidzsearch.com",$gmurl); // $fburl=str_ireplace("/computer/","/games/",$fbgurl); require_once('PhpBadWords.php'); function prebanword($word) { // error_log("PREBAN BASE ".$word); // echo "PB: $word "; $rd=str_ireplace('!', "!", $word); $rd=str_ireplace('@', "@", $rd); $rd=str_ireplace('*', "*", $rd); $rd=str_ireplace('#', "#", $rd); $rd=str_ireplace('$', "$", $rd); $obj = new PhpBadWords(); $obj->setText($rd); $rd=$obj->whitelistit(); $word=$rd; $z=false; // sanity. too high processing. if (stripos($word, 'copulat') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'rule 34') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'rule34') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'rule 32') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'rule32') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'rule 36') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'rule36') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'porn') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'p@rn') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'p*rn') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'prno') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'fuck') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'shit') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'bitch') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'sexy') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'piss') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'cunt') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'cocksucker') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'cock sucker') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, ' tit ') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, ' tits ') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, ' cock ') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'big dick') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, ' sex ') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'vagina') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'penis') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, ' ass ') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'asshole') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'boob') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'bitch') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'faggot') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'boob') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'nipple') !== FALSE) return true; if ($word=='ass ') return true; if ($word==' ass') return true; if ($word=='homo') return true; if ($word==='fag') return true; if ($word=='ass') return true; if ($word=='big ass') return true; if ($word=='sex') return true; if ($word=='tits') return true; if ($word=='tit') return true; if ($word=='cock') return true; if ($word=='dick') return true; if ($word=='vagina') return true; if ($word=='penis') return true; if (stripos($word, '@ss') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'a$$') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'p!ll') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, '$h!t') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'sh!t') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, '$hit') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, '$hit') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'g*y') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'f*g') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'f@g') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 's*x') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'br*ast') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'bre*st') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'br*@st') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> br*@st <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'bre*st') !== FALSE) return true; if (stripos($word, 'bl*wjob') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> bl*wjob <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'blowj*b') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> blowj*b <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'fuck') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> fuck<--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'f*ck') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->f*ck <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'fu*k') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> fu*k <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'fuc*') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> fuc* <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, '*uck') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> *uck <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'sh*t') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->sh*t <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'c*ck') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> c*ck <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'p*ssy') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> p*ssy <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'c*nt') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> c*nt <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, '*sshole') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> *sshole <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'd*mn') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> d*mn <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'p*ss') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> p*ss <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'b*tch') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> b*tch <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'b*tch') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> b*tch <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'p!ll') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> p!ll <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'g*y') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> g*y <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'f@g') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> f@g <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'bre@st') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> bre@st <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'sh!t') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->sh!t <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'p!ss') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->p!ss <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'b!tch') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> b!tch <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'd!rty') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> d!irty <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'f@p') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->f@p <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'a$$') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->a$$ <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'p!ll') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->p!ll <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'dr*g') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->dr*g <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'pen!s') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->pen!s <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'p!n!s') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->p!n!s <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'pen!s') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->pen!s <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'penis') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->penis <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'vag!na') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->vag!na <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'v@gin@') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->v@gin@ <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'v@gina') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->v@gina <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'vagin@') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->vagin@ <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'c*nt') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->c*nt <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'd@mn') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->d@mn <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'g@y') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->g@y <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'f@g') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->f@g <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 's*x') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->s*x <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 's#x') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->s#x <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'bre@st') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->bre@st <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'blowj*b') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->blowj*b <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'bl*wjob') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->bl*wjob <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'bl*wj*b') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->bl*wjob <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'c*ck') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->c*ck <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'f*ck') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->f*ck <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'p*ssy') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->p*ssy <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'sh!t') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->sh!t <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, '@sshole') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->@sshole <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, '@$$hole') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->asshole (dollar)<--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'a$$hole') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->asshold dollar2 <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'b!tch') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->b!tch <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'w@nk') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->w@nk <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'j@ck') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->j@ck <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'j!ll') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->j!ll <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'c*m') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->c*m <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'c*me') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->c*me <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'gay kiss') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> gay kiss <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'kiss gay') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> kiss gay <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'hot gay') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> hot gay <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'gay hot') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> gay hot <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'hot lesbian') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> hot lesbian <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'lesbian hot') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->lesbian hot <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'lesbian kiss') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> lesbian kiss <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'kiss lesbian') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> kiss lesbian <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'g*y') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> g*y <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'f*g') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> f*g <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 's*x') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> s*x <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'br*ast') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->br*ast <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'bre*st') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> bre*st <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'bl*wjob') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> bl*wjob <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'blowj*b') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> blowj*b <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'fuck') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> fuck <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'f*ck') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> f*ck <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'fu*k') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> fu*k <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'fuc*') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> fuc* <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, '*uck') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> *uck <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'sh*t') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->sh*t <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'c*ck') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> c*ck <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'p*ssy') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> p*ssy <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'c*nt') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> c*nt <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, '*sshole') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned -->*sshole <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'd*mn') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> d*mn <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'p*ss') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> p*ss <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'b*tch') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> b*tch <--"); return true; } if (stripos($word, 'view_adult=true') !== FALSE) { error_log("prepanned --> view_adult=true <--"); return true; } return false; } function xss_clean($data) { return htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($data)); } function xss_clean2($data) { $d=str_replace("'", "~", $data); $d=str_replace("\"", "^", $d); $m=htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($d)); $m=str_replace("^", "\"", $m); $m=str_replace("~", "", $m); // was ' for replacement return $m; } $badword=0; if( !isset($learning) || empty($learning) ) $learning=0; if( isset($_REQUEST['gamesearch'])) { $x=$_REQUEST['gamesearch']; $x=str_ireplace("manga", "", $x); $x=str_ireplace("anime", "", $x); $r=0; //$obj = new PhpBadWords(); //$obj->setText($x); //$r=$obj->check(); if(stripos($x,'manga') !== false) $r=0; if(stripos($x,'anime') !== false) $r=0; if( prebanword($x) ) { $badword=1; include ("gamebanterm.html"); die(); } if( isset($r) && $r==1 ) { //$badword=1; //include ("gamebanterm.html"); //die(); } } if( isset($_REQUEST['cat'])) $_REQUEST['cat']=htmlentities($_REQUEST['cat'], ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5 | ENT_IGNORE, 'UTF-8'); //if( isset($_REQUEST['gamesearch'])) $_REQUEST['gamesearch']=htmlentities($_REQUEST['gamesearch'], ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5, 'UTF-8'); if( isset($_REQUEST['gamesearch'])) $_REQUEST['gamesearch']=xss_clean2($_REQUEST['gamesearch']); if( isset($_REQUEST['learning'])) $_REQUEST['learning']=htmlentities($_REQUEST['learning'], ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5 | ENT_IGNORE, 'UTF-8'); 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//setcookie('ksfloorad1', '1', time() + (86400 * 0.5 ), '/', '.kidzsearch.com'); // 12 hr require_once 'Mobile_Detect.php'; require_once 'gamelib.php'; require_once 'Inflect.php'; $detect = new Mobile_Detect; $deviceType = ($detect->isMobile() ? 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'tablet' : 'phone') : 'computer'); $gq=""; if( isset($_REQUEST['gamesearch'])) { $gq=$_REQUEST['gamesearch']; } // Set a session variable if the user prefers the desktop version ( no option for new mobile section to switch to desktop). if (isset($_REQUEST['v']) && $_REQUEST['v'] == 'xxxdesktop') { $_SESSION['v'] = 'desktop'; } if (isset($_REQUEST['v']) && $_REQUEST['v'] == 'xxxmobile') { $_SESSION['v'] = 'mobile'; } // Detect browser and redirect mobile users unless they've already opted out if (1==1 || !isset($_SESSION['v']) || (isset($_SESSION['v']) && $_SESSION['v'] != 'desktop')) { // Place browser detection and redirection code here $categorylink="https://games.kidzsearch.com/?s=".$gq; switch (strtolower($gq)) { case "action": $categorylink="https://games.kidzsearch.com/category/action"; break; case "adventure": $categorylink="https://games.kidzsearch.com/category/adventure"; break; case "arcade": case "fun": $categorylink="https://games.kidzsearch.com/category/arcade"; break; case "board game": $categorylink="https://games.kidzsearch.com/category/board-game"; break; case "casino": $categorylink="https://games.kidzsearch.com/category/casino"; break; case "customize": $categorylink="https://games.kidzsearch.com/category/customize"; break; case "dress-up": case "girl": $categorylink="https://games.kidzsearch.com/category/dress-up"; break; case "driving": case "racing": case "race": $categorylink="https://games.kidzsearch.com/category/driving"; break; case "education": case "learning": case "math": case "science": case "physics": case "english": case "history": case "learn": case "word": $categorylink="https://games.kidzsearch.com/category/education"; break; case "jigsaw": $categorylink="https://games.kidzsearch.com/category/jigsaw"; break; case "multiplayer": case "mmo": case "io": $categorylink="https://games.kidzsearch.com/category/multiplayer"; break; case "other": $categorylink="https://games.kidzsearch.com/category/other"; break; case "puzzles": case "logic": case "puzzle": $categorylink="https://games.kidzsearch.com/category/puzzles"; break; case "shooting": $categorylink="https://games.kidzsearch.com/category/shooting"; break; case "sports": case "sport": $categorylink="https://games.kidzsearch.com/category/sports"; break; case "strategy": case "skill": $categorylink="https://games.kidzsearch.com/category/strategy"; break; default: $categorylink="https://games.kidzsearch.com/?s=".$gq; } if( !isset($gq) || strlen($gq) < 2 ) { $categorylink="https://games.kidzsearch.com/?v=mobile"; } if($_SESSION['v']=="mobile" || $deviceType=="phone" || $deviceType=="tablet" ) { if( isset($_REQUEST['gamesearch'])) { $gq=$_REQUEST['gamesearch']; header("Location: ".$categorylink); exit; } else { header("Location: https://games.kidzsearch.com"); exit; } } } // echo "88888888888"; //echo $categorylink; ?> 1 ) { $affv= $_SESSION['useraff']; if ( isset($_SESSION['usersubid']) && strlen(trim($_SESSION['usersubid'])) > 1 ) $affsubid= $_SESSION['usersubid']; } else { if( isset($_REQUEST['aff']) ){ $affv=$_REQUEST['aff']; } if(strlen(trim($affv))<2 ) $affv='ks'; if(strlen(trim($subid))<2 ) $subid=''; if( isset($_REQUEST['subid']) ) $subid=$_REQUEST['subid']; } // include_once "../admin.php"; $greq=""; if( isset($_REQUEST['gamesearch']) ) { $greq=$_REQUEST['gamesearch']; $_REQUEST['gamesearch']=htmlentities($_REQUEST['gamesearch'], ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5 | ENT_IGNORE, 'UTF-8'); } // $theaffv=getsetaffiliate($affv,$greq,'gameindex', $subid); function singularlist($string) { return $string; // buggy $obj = new Inflect(); $words = explode(' ', $string ); $newterm=""; foreach ($words as $key => $val) { $singular=$obj->singularize($val); $newterm=$newterm." ".$singular; } return trim($newterm); } function cleangs($gs) { $gs=str_replace("games", "", $gs); $gs=str_replace("game", "", $gs); $gs=str_replace("play", "", $gs); $gs=str_replace("video", "", $gs); $gs=str_replace("videos", "", $gs); $gs=str_replace("facts for kids", "", $gs); $gs=str_replace("cool math", "math", $gs); $gs=str_replace("cool math", "math", $gs); $gs=htmlspecialchars($gs, ENT_QUOTES); $gs=singularlist($gs); $gs =html_entity_decode($gs, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5 | ENT_IGNORE, 'UTF-8'); return $gs; } function formatGamePlays($plays) { if ($plays >= 1000000) { return round($plays / 1000000, 1) . 'm'; } elseif ($plays >= 1000) { return round($plays / 1000, 1) . 'k'; } else { return $plays; } } function showstars ( $number, $plays=0, $votes=0 ) { // Convert any entered number into a float // Because the rating can be a decimal e.g. 4.5 $number = number_format ( $number, 1 ); // Get the integer part of the number $intpart = floor ( $number ); // Get the fraction part $fraction = $number - $intpart; // Rating is out of 5 // Get how many stars should be left blank $unrated = 5 - ceil ( $number ); // Populate the full-rated stars if ( $intpart <= 5 ) { for ( $i=0; $i<$intpart; $i++ ) echo ''; } // Populate the half-rated star, if any if ( $fraction == 0.5 ) { echo ''; } // Populate the unrated stars, if any if ( $unrated > 0 ) { for ( $j=0; $j<$unrated; $j++ ) echo ''; } $p = formatGamePlays($plays); $v = formatGamePlays($votes); if($p >0 && $v > 1) { echo '
('.$p.', '.$v.' votes)
'; } else if($p>0 && $v==1) { echo '
('.$p.', '.$v.' vote)
'; } else if($p>0) { echo '
'; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['gamesearch'])) { $gs=$_REQUEST['gamesearch']; $gs=trim($_REQUEST['gamesearch']); if( strlen($gs) > 1 ) { $gs=cleangs($gs); } $_SESSION['lastsearchgames']=$gs; } else { $gs=$_SESSION['lastsearchgames']; } ?> <?php if( $gst=="all" || $gst=='') { echo "Free "; } else { echo "Free ".ucfirst($gst); } ?> Games | Free Online Games for Kids | KidzSearch.com "; } else { echo ""; } ?> Games | Free Online Games for Kids | KidzSearch.com"/> " >
EDIT MODE "; $statusmarker="-10000"; } $iphone=0; $phone=0; $tablet=0; $mobile=0; $desk=0; // echo "MB ".$detect->isMobile(); if( isset($_SESSION['mobile']) )$mobile= $_SESSION['mobile']; if( isset($_SESSION['desk']) )$desk=$_SESSION['desk']; $related=0; if ( ( isset($_GET['related']) && $_GET['related']==1 ) ) { $related=1; } if ( ( isset($_GET['desktop']) && $_GET['desktop']==1 ) ) { $desk=1; $mobile=0; $_SESSION['desk']=1; $_SESSION['mobile']=0; } if ( (isset($_GET['mobile']) && $_GET['mobile']==1) || ( $detect->isMobile() && $desk==0) ) { $setcategory="Mobile"; $mobile=1; $_SESSION['mobile']=1; $_SESSION['desk']=0; } if($detect->isIphone() ) { $iphone=1; // $statusmarker="-10000"; } $ismobileandwhere=" AND ( mobileonly='0' ) "; // $ismobileandwhere=" AND ( ismobile='0' ) "; $linebr=""; if( $mobile==1 || $tablet==1) { $phone=1; $linebr="

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        free games   Desktop"; } else { // echo "  Mobile Games"; } ?>

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"; } ?>     Sort: plays   rating   new   random

'game' and name <>'games') and ( (main='0' and matches > 1) OR main='1') order by name asc;"; if ( $phone==1 || $tablet==1 ) { $query = "select catid, name, mobilematches as matches, main, icon from gamecat where status='0' and ( (mobilemain='0' and mobilematches > 1) OR mobilemain='1') and (name not like '#%' AND name not like '%,%' AND name not like '%.' AND name <>'game' and name <>'games') order by name asc;"; } ?>
'game' and name <>'games') and ( (main='0' and matches > 1) OR main='1') and name like '".$one."%' order by name asc"; $link = new mysqli('localhost', 'gamez', 'zentech2', 'gamez-db'); mysqli_set_charset($link, "utf8"); $cols = 7; //number of columns, you can set this to any positive integer $values = array(); $dupcheck= array(); $result = $link->query($query); $numrows = $result->num_rows; $rows_per_col = ceil($numrows / $cols); for ($c=1;$c<=$cols;$c++) { $values['col_'.$c] = array(); } $c = 1; $r = 1; unset($matches); unset($main); while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $catnv=stripslashes($row['name']); if( isset($dupcheck[$catnv]) ) continue; $dupcheck[$catnv]=1; $matches[$catnv]=$row['matches']; $main[$catnv]=$row['main']; $values['col_'.$c][$r] = stripslashes($row['name']); if ($r == $rows_per_col) { $c++; $r = 1; } else { $r++; } } echo ''; echo ''; for ($c=1;$c<=$cols;$c++) { echo ''; } for ($r=1;$r<=$rows_per_col;$r++) { echo ''; for ($c=1;$c<=$cols;$c++) { $name=$values['col_'.$c][$r]; $hits=$matches[$name]; $dclass="allcat"; if($main[$name]=="1" || $hits > 100 ){$dclass="allcatb"; } if ( $phone==1 || $tablet==1 ) { if($main[$name]=="1" || $hits > 50 ){$dclass="allcatbmobile"; } } if( isset($hits) && $hits >0 ){ $name = str_ireplace("adult","adult grown-up",$name); echo ""; } } echo ''; } $lessset=1; //echo $_SESSION['mainheader']; echo '
'; echo "".strtoupper($one)." top"; echo '
$name ($hits)
'; unset($values); echo "
"; } $lessset=1; // echo $_SESSION['mainheader']; //echo "  less..."; echo ''; unset($values); } else if ( isset($_GET['allcat']) ) { $query="select catid, name, icon from gamecat where status='0' order by name "; $result = $mysqli->query($query); $maincats="
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'; } ?>
-1 AND ismobile='1' AND "; } // $whereclause="category="; // $orderby="order by status desc, score desc, plays desc, vendorweight desc "; // $orderby="order by status desc, vendorweight desc, score desc, plays desc"; // $orderby="order by plays desc, score desc, status desc, vendorweight desc "; // $orderby="order by plays30 desc, plays desc, kscore desc, score desc, status desc, vendorweight desc "; $orderby="order by (flashcheckresult > -1 ) DESC, plays30 desc, plays desc, kscore desc, score desc, status desc, vendorweight desc "; $orderby="order by promoted2 desc, promoted desc, (flashcheckresult > -1 ) DESC, plays desc, kscore desc, score desc, status desc, vendorweight desc "; $recentadd=""; $plays=""; $learning=""; $starrating=""; $shuffle=""; $nowplaying=""; $nowplayingmg=""; if ( isset($_GET['recentadd']) && $_GET['recentadd']==1 ) { $plays=""; $starrating=""; $shuffle=""; $nowplaying=""; $nowplayingmg=""; $recentadd=1; $setcategory="Most Recent"; $orderby=" order by seq desc "; 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} if ( isset($_GET['plays']) && $_GET['plays']==1 ) { $recentadd=""; $starrating=""; $shuffle=""; $nowplaying=""; $nowplayingmg=""; $setcategory="Most Played"; if ( isset($_GET['learning']) && $_GET['learning']==1 ) { $setcategory="Most Played Learning"; } $plays=1; $orderby=" order by plays desc, score desc, status desc, vendorweight desc "; } if ( isset($_GET['shuffle']) ) { $recentadd=""; $plays=""; $starrating=""; $setcategory="Random"; if ( isset($_GET['learning']) && $_GET['learning']==1 ) { $setcategory="Random Learning"; } $shuffle=1; $orderby=" ORDER BY RAND() "; } $whereclause=" where $where2 status > $statusmarker $flashandcheck $gamedup "; $whereclausesearch=" $where2 status > $statusmarker "; if ( isset($_GET['nowplaying']) && $_GET['nowplaying']=='1' ) { // error_log(" AAAA ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now playing request "); $recentadd=""; $plays=""; $starrating=""; $setcategory="Now Playing"; if ( isset($_GET['learning']) && $_GET['learning']==1 && $_GET['nowplaying']=='1' ) { $setcategory="Now Playing Education"; } $shuffle=1; $orderby=" ORDER BY changedate desc "; $whereclause=" where $where2 status > $statusmarker AND changedate > (NOW() - INTERVAL 120 MINUTE) and seq <>'192192' "; $query = "SELECT flashcheckresult, score, seq, source, status, counter, value, plays, cloud, seotitle, flash_file, title, img1, changedate, tags, description, instructions FROM gamesplayed $whereclause $ismobileandwhere AND status > -1 $flashandcheck $orderby "; error_log(" NOW PLAYING QUERY ".$query); } else if ( isset($_GET['nowplayingmg']) && $_GET['nowplayingmg']=='1' && strlen($sessionid) > 10 ) { $recentadd=""; $plays=""; $starrating=""; $nowplaying=""; $setcategory="My Recently Played"; $shuffle=1; $orderby=" ORDER BY changedate desc "; // $sessionid = session_id(); $whereclause=" where $where2 status > $statusmarker "; $query = "SELECT flashcheckresult, score, seq, source, status, counter, value, plays, cloud, seotitle, flash_file, title, img1, changedate, tags, description, instructions FROM gamesplayed $whereclause AND status > -1 AND sessionid = '".$sessionid."' $orderby "; //echo $query; } else { $query = "SELECT flashcheckresult, promoted, score, seq, source, status, counter, value, plays, cloud, seotitle, flash_file, title, img1, changedate, tags, description, instructions FROM games $whereclause $ismobileandwhere AND status > -1 $flashandcheck $gamedup $orderby "; } // error_log(" ***************************************** NOW PLAYING *********************************************"); // echo $query; // $query = "SELECT * FROM games"; if ( isset($_REQUEST['gamesearch']) && strlen($_REQUEST['gamesearch']) > 1 ) { $gs=trim($_REQUEST['gamesearch']); $gs=trim($_REQUEST['gamesearch']); // echo " GS REQ $gs"; if( strlen($gs) > 1 ) { $gs=cleangs($gs); //echo " GS2 REQ $gs"; } $setcategory=$gs; $gs=$mysqli->real_escape_string($gs); // echo " GS REQ $category ".$setcategory; if(isset($gs) && strlen($gs) > 1) { // main search // echo "GS: $gs "; if ( !isset($catlistset) ) { $catquery="select name from gamecat where status='0' "; $catlistset = 1; $catresult = $mysqli->query($catquery); while($catrow = $catresult->fetch_assoc()) { $c=strtolower($catrow['name']); $thecatlist[$c]=1; //echo $c.' 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$localset = 0; if ( isset($_REQUEST['localsearch']) && $_REQUEST['localsearch']=="1" || isset($_REQUEST['src']) && $_REQUEST['src']=="kzsearch" ) { error_log("LOCAL SEARCH SET for ".$gs_stem); $localset = 1; } // related=0&learning=0&recentadd=&starrating=&cat=&gamesearch=Racing&plays=1&catlist $gs_stem = trim($gs_stem); $query = "SELECT *, ( (2.3 * (MATCH(title) AGAINST ('$gs_stem' IN BOOLEAN MODE))) + (0.8 * (MATCH(tags) AGAINST ('$gs_stem' IN BOOLEAN MODE))) + (0.4 * (MATCH(description) AGAINST ('$gs_stem' IN BOOLEAN MODE))) + (0.4 * (MATCH(instructions) AGAINST ('$gs_stem' IN BOOLEAN MODE))) + (0.7 * (MATCH(category) AGAINST ('$gs_stem' IN BOOLEAN MODE))) + (2.3 * (MATCH(stemed) AGAINST ('$gs_stem' IN BOOLEAN MODE))) ) AS relevance FROM games WHERE (MATCH(title, tags,description, instructions, category, stemed) AGAINST ('$gs_stem' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ) AND STATUS > -1 and dup = '0' $flashandcheck order by (flashcheckresult > -1 ) DESC, relevance DESC, plays DESC "; if($localset==1) { $query = "SELECT *, ( (2.3 * (MATCH(title) AGAINST ('$gs_stem' IN BOOLEAN MODE))) + (0.8 * (MATCH(tags) AGAINST ('$gs_stem' IN BOOLEAN MODE))) + (0.4 * (MATCH(description) AGAINST ('$gs_stem' IN BOOLEAN MODE))) + (0.4 * (MATCH(instructions) AGAINST ('$gs_stem' IN BOOLEAN MODE))) + (0.7 * (MATCH(category) AGAINST ('$gs_stem' IN BOOLEAN MODE))) + (2.3 * (MATCH(stemed) AGAINST ('$gs_stem' IN BOOLEAN MODE))) ) AS relevance FROM games WHERE (MATCH(title, tags,description, instructions, category, stemed) AGAINST ('$gs_stem' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ) AND STATUS > -1 and dup = '0' order by relevance DESC, plays DESC "; } // // echo "GS: ".$gs.' | '.$thecatlist[ strtolower($gs)]; // print_r($thecatlist); // use for all cases if ( isset($_REQUEST['catlist']) || isset($thecatlist[ strtolower($gs)]) ) { $related=1; } //echo $querya; //echo $query4; if($related==1) { $matchterm=removeCommonWords2z($gs); $query = "SELECT flashcheckresult, promoted, score, seq, vendorweight, category, status, counter, value, plays, cloud, seotitle, flash_file, title, img1, changedate, tags, description, instructions FROM games WHERE status > $statusmarker $learnwhereand $ismobileandwhere AND status > -1 $flashandcheck $gamedup AND MATCH(title, tags, description, category, instructions) AGAINST ('$matchterm' IN BOOLEAN MODE) $orderby " ; } } if($setcategory=="all" || $setcategory=="learning" ) { $query = "SELECT flashcheckresult, promoted, score, seq, vendorweight, category, status, counter, value, plays, cloud, seotitle, flash_file, title, img1, changedate, tags, description, instructions FROM games $whereclause $ismobileandwhere AND status > -1 $flashandcheck $gamedup $learnwhereand $orderby " ; } // echo $query; } // error_log($query); // error_log("BBBBBBB ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now playing request "); $thedevice="computer"; // echo "$setcategory "; if($tablet==1 || $phone==1) { $thedevice="mobile"; $query="SELECT flashcheckresult, promoted, score, seq, vendorweight, category, status, counter, value, plays, cloud, seotitle, flash_file, title, img1, changedate, tags, description, instructions FROM games where status > -1 AND status <> '-4' AND status <> '-3' $flashandcheck $gamedup $ismobileandwhere $learnwhereand $orderby "; if ( isset($_GET['nowplaying']) && $_GET['nowplaying']=='1' ) { $orderby=" ORDER BY changedate desc "; $whereclause=" where $where2 status > $statusmarker AND changedate > (NOW() - INTERVAL 120 MINUTE) "; $query = "SELECT flashcheckresult, score, seq, source, status, counter, value, plays, cloud, seotitle, flash_file, title, img1, changedate, tags, description, instructions FROM gamesplayed $whereclause AND status > -1 $flashandcheck $ismobileandwhere $orderby "; } if ( isset($_GET['nowplayingmg']) && $_GET['nowplayingmg']=='1' ) { $orderby=" ORDER BY changedate desc "; $whereclause=" where $where2 status > $statusmarker "; $query = "SELECT flashcheckresult, score, seq, source, status, counter, value, plays, cloud, seotitle, flash_file, title, img1, changedate, tags, description, instructions FROM gamesplayed $whereclause AND status > -1 AND sessionid='".$sessionid."' $orderby "; } // error_log("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ GAME LOG FINAL QUERY "); // error_log($query); if( isset($setcategory) && strlen($setcategory) > 2 && !($setcategory=="all" || $setcategory=="learning" || $setcategory=="Most Recent" || $setcategory=="Most Played" || $setcategory=="Highest Rated" || $setcategory=="Random" ) ) { if(isset($gs) && strlen($gs) > 1) { $query = "SELECT flashcheckresult, promoted, score, seq, vendorweight, category, status, counter, value, plays, cloud, seotitle, flash_file, title, img1, changedate, tags, description, instructions FROM games WHERE status > $statusmarker $learnwhereand AND status > -1 $flashandcheck $gamedup $ismobileandwhere AND MATCH(title, tags, description, category, instructions) AGAINST ('\"$gs\"' IN BOOLEAN MODE) $orderby " ; if($related==1) { $matchterm=removeCommonWords2z($gs); $query = "SELECT flashcheckresult, promoted, score, seq, vendorweight, category, status, counter, value, plays, cloud, seotitle, flash_file, title, img1, changedate, tags, description, instructions FROM games WHERE status > $statusmarker $learnwhereand AND status > -1 $flashandcheck $gamedup $ismobileandwhere AND MATCH(title, tags, description, category, instructions) AGAINST ('$matchterm' IN BOOLEAN MODE) $orderby " ; } } } } //echo "SC: ".$setcategory; //if($setcategory == "All")$_GET['pop'] = 30; if ( isset($_GET['pop']) && $_GET['pop']>0 && is_numeric($_GET['pop']) ) { $popv=$_GET['pop']; $popv=$mysqli->real_escape_string($popv); if($popv==1) $setcategory="Today's Hot"; if($popv==7) $setcategory="Weekly Hot"; if($popv==30) $setcategory="Monthly Hot"; if($popv>300) $setcategory="All Time Hot"; $query="SELECT flashcheckresult, games.score, games.seq, games.vendorweight, games.category, games.status, games.counter, games.value, games.plays, games.cloud, games.seotitle, games.title, games.img1, hotgames.hits as gamehits, games.changedate, games.tags, games.description, games.instructions FROM games RIGHT JOIN hotgames ON games.seq=hotgames.seq WHERE hotgames.device='$thedevice' AND hotgames.cycle='$popv' AND games.status > -1 $flashandcheck $gamedup $ismobileandwhere ORDER BY hotgames.hits DESC"; } if( $ip=="" ) { // echo "EDIT MODE "; // $query = "SELECT flashcheckresult, promoted, score, vendorweight, category, status, counter, value, plays, cloud, seotitle, flash_file, title, img1 FROM games where status < 0 order by plays desc"; //echo "$query
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