Search Results for: Jasmin
Jasmine is getting ready for costume and face paint contest. But unfortunately her face is not in a good shape, at all. Help her fix her face and put some face paints that will mak [...]
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Baby Princesses Wonderful ChristmasLittle princesses Eliza, Jasmin, Tiara, Rosehip, Cinderella, Mermaid getting ready for the most wonderful holiday of the year - Christmas! Let's [...]
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Tris and Dove want to have a full night of fun role-playing and trying on different costumes. Want to see what they are up to? Open up the boxes and you will find the most amazing [...]
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Our beautiful princesses have been invited to the special VIP party, that is about to take place once a year. This time, the main theme is going to be the white color. Everyone is [...]
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You’re know, that nowadays more and more fashion designers prefer to make their outfits for a different type of women. Tall, short, skinny, curvy… And the more differences in outfi [...]
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The ever beauties princess belle and Jasmine are traveling around Africa and they are impressed by African culture, so they would like to wear amazing African style cloths. Could y [...]
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Princess Jasmine is back to break more fashion rules and to break the boundaries of normal! Fashion experts claim that you can’t wear classy clothes with sporty ones. The Anti-Fash [...]
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Every season has its own spirit and mood. It’s time to take all the fashion magazines and find out who_what_wear! There’s always hot at Jasmine’s motherland and she didn’t know abo [...]
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Join Jasmine at this new amazing fashion adventure! Go shopping with Arabian beauty and find all that is necessary for any autumn! Rush to the mall and catch all the latest sales. [...]
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