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Chess Tower Defense

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Chess Tower Defense

Chess Tower Defense
Mouse click to Move pieces. Q, W, E, R, T Buy piecesThe objective of Chess Tower Defense is to buy and move chess pieces to stop the enemys attack. Before the attack you have the freedom to place the chess pieces anywhere in the chess board, in such way that they would be able to stop some enemies when they start moving. When the enemy begins to advance, the chess pieces attack by themselves, following the next rules1. If a single one piece has only one enemy in his range. That piece will attack that enemy and will take his place. 2. If a single one piece has quite a few enemies in his range. That piece will aim the last row Opposite from where the enemy is coming from and will attack the first enemy from the Opposite site from where that chess piece is located. 3. If some pieces has only one enemy in their range at the same time. The attack will be performed by the piece that has a better priority lower. Every piece has its own priority that is a number from 1 to the numbers of chess pieces in the board. Or press space to see all the pieces priority. There are different strategies you can use depending on the number of pieces and enemiesBasic This is the simplest strategy just place all the pieces measuring the position of every enemy, trying to stop them all. Sometimes would be necessary to block more than one enemy with one piece, so you will have to know where is that piece going to be after the last attack and which is his priority. Advance When there are a lot of enemies and pieces it is difficult to calculate how each piece would stop every enemy, like the basic strategy. So, youd have to plan a general strategy based on the number of enemies and their distribution Try to place every piece knowing how it attack and where can stop more enemies. For example you may want to place the king in the few first rows from where there is more accumulation of enemies. You can buy new pieces with the mo Buy and move chess pieces in order to stop the enemies attack. A great Chess Tower Defense game.

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 Tags: Strategy    chess    tower    defensechess    defensewarwar  

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