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Galactic Gravity Golf Deluxe

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Galactic Gravity Golf Deluxe

Galactic Gravity Golf Deluxe
Use your CURSOR KEYS to adjust the angle and power ofyour shot and then press SPACE to release the ball. In this competition, you will prove your mastery of the skills and abilities practiced by generations of space faring species across the Milky Way. Gravity Golf in a nutshell. Use your skill and judgement to CURL the ball around planets to reach the black hole. Use your CURSOR KEYS to adjust the angle and power of your shot and then press SPACE to release the ball. don't forget, even the tiniest adjustment to power or angle can change a shot completely. In later levels you can pick up fuel which enables you to briefly influence the speed and direction of the ball, again using the CURSOR KEYS. Each shot you make will either result in you getting the ball in the black hole, or colliding the ball with a planet. If you get the ball in the black hole, you move onto the next hole. Otherwise, you can take another shot. Each shot will decrease the amount of bonus at the end of the hole. Ways to increase bonuses include. FREEFALL, BOUNCES, WORMHOLES, PLANETS DESTROYED, FUEL LEFT, GEMS and X BONUSAt any point well, most points during the game you can press P to enter a password to switch to another level. However, entering passwords disqualifies you from a place on the TOP 10 SCORES or winning the SUNSURFER CUP. All is not lost, however. You will still be able to qualify for individual hole SCORE, SHOTS and FREEFALL bests. The more shots you take, the less points you will get for a hole. Even the tiniest adjustment to your shot can make an enormous difference to the path of the ball. The slower the ball travels, the more FREEFALL time you will accumulate. And that means more points. If you have FUEL, make sure you keep your fingers poised over the cursor keys at all times. After some practice, you can tell when the ball is about to hit a planet. If you have quick reflexes, you can often avoid catastrophy! Sometimes its worth going A really cool galactic golf game! Shoot your planet and bounce it off objects and get it into the hole. Now follows a brief history of Galactic Gravity Golf. In 2342, Charles Atlas Calhoom used a mining lift to catapault an asteroid into a black hole for a laugh. 2 years later, after several false starts, a very basic form of Galactic Gravity Golf was born. Now, in 2537 we enjoy a very much taylored version of the wonderful game. In 2347 we witnessed the introduction of specialist MegaLowGrav black holes, which helped to make things a little more challenging. After all, shooting an asteroid towards a black hole with such a high gravitational field is just too easy. In 2358, after years of uncertainty as to exactly what classified as i asteroid hurling space stations to their almost certain doom was never on the moral highground, the new standard INTERSTELLAR GOLFING PROJECTILE was introduced. Weilding the tail of a comet and certain gameplay advantages such as friction and commandability, the IGP Interstellar Golfing Projectile entered the GGG Galactic Gravity Golf arena, adding yet more fun to an already enjoyable emerging sport. Finally, in 2386, after several other additions to the gameplay the GGGA Galactic Gravity Golfers Association was born to ensure fairness and sportsmanship all over. Nowadays, GGG is projected into areans containing audiences of hundreds of thousands all over the Milky Way.

  3 stars out of 5 (3,257 plays / 2 votes)

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