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Controls: Use your mouse to move and shoot. Use space to get a boost. Use keys 1, 2, 3 and 4 to upgrade your ship if you can afford the upgrade. You can use your mouse as well to click on the upgrade button but that is inconvenient since your ship will follow the mouse. There is 1 second cooldown on shooting and 3 second cooldown on boosting. Pirate Battle.io Strategy You can choose what part of your ship that you want to improve when you have enough coins to afford an upgrade. There are four types of upgrades: You start with each category at level 1 and you can upgrade them until they have reached level 8. The upgrades get more expensive when the level increases. Upgrading health increases your hp and it will also increase the size of your ship, making it easier to hit. Upgrading speed makes you faster, making your turning radius larger which could be a problem when you want to make tight turns. Upgrading armor will decrease the damage that you take from incoming bullets. Upgrading damage will increase your damage as well as increasing the range of your bullets. Battle tactics In early game it is important to avoid 1v1 battles with ships that are larger than you if they have full health. You can see if other ships are damage if they are on fire. A destroyed ship will drop coins on the map